Thursday, December 6, 2012


Are you curious how your board stacks up on the crucial roles and responsibilities of trusteeship?  A great way for trustees to find out, together, is to take a walk through Friends Council’s or NAIS’ Principles of Good Practice. 

Over the years I’ve noticed one particular principle that often raises eyebrows, good questions, and rich insights.  In the Friends Council version, it’s this one:

            The Relationship with the Head
The Board selects, nurtures, supports and evaluates the head.  It contracts with the head and sets the head’s compensation.

In follow-up discussions, trustees often voice a range of surprised reactions:
·      Support our head?  No, actually, she supports us!
·      We haven’t thought about this before.  Why is it important?
·      This is one of our board goals – but now we notice we don’t have a single specific action step for doing it.  Are we providing any real support at all?